- Kill Devil Hills
- 252-441-7064
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Making breakfast for families visiting and living on the Outer Banks is something we've done since 1981. Our tradition of serving great breakfast: pancakes, waffles, french toast, omelets and homemade biscuits is something we take seriously.
We do what we do because it makes you smile, and it makes us smile. We believe that cooking with love is the only way to go. Stop in and see for yourself!
The "Founder" of Stack 'em High, Perry Kiousis immigrated to the United States in the early 1960's from Greece. He entered New York Harbor by boat and sailed under the open arms of Lady Liberty like so many other determined, young men and women. He worked for his uncle in his hot dog shop in Pittsburg for several years before being joined by his bride, Kiki. They learned to speak the language by listening to the customers and practicing to each other. They needed no education; however, on how to work hard or how to make the most of every opportunity. Soon, they were running shops of their own and had two sons, Steven and Nick.
On a vacation to Virginia Beach, they discovered a spit of sand, known as the Outer Banks. After an abbreviated business meeting and a decision to follow his intuition, Perry welcomed his family to their new home, North Carolina. They ran the Point Harbor Restaurant at the foot of the Wright Memorial Bridge for ten years, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. People of all walks of life and from all over the region, flocked to the new home of Greek and coastal cuisine. Their famed "corn cakes" are still the topic of conversation amongst those with memories of the Point Harbor. Just months into a planned break from the restaurant business, Perry sat up in bed one night and told Kiki..."I've got it. We'll sell pancakes and we'll call the place Stack 'em High." She asked how he planned on making a living on pancakes and he answered they would sell some other items as well, "you know, so forth." So in 1981, Stack 'em High Pancakes and So Forth was born. The concept was honed in a matter of days, the land was purchased and the building was built in less than three months. Now, over thirty years later, we are proud to be making a living on pancakes and so forth.
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